Naver is using OpenELA source code for its new distro, Navix

Published on: January 24, 2025
Author: The OpenELA Team

Naver becomes the latest organization to leverage OpenELA sources.

In case you missed it, we wanted to share some great news reported by The Register just before the holiday season: South Korean internet company Naver has created its own Linux distribution with OpenELA.

The Register’s APAC editor Simon Sharwood noted that Naver’s new distro, Navix, “draws from the Open Enterprise Linux Association’s (OpenELA) resources and is RHEL-compatible.”

Sharwood commented, “Naver is often compared to Google…providing search and a web portal then sprawled into email, payment services, e-commerce, blogging, and public cloud services. Its search offering remains South Korea’s favorite, with market share that eclipses even the big G.”